Tuesday, November 22, 2011

City of Sparks Council Takes Giant Step to Promote Economic Recovery

At a recent City of Sparks Council retreat, the City Council requested staff to look at amendments to the development codes to remove barriers to development and job creation.  In response, the city staff prepared a resolution to amend fees for development services such as Special Use Permits, Site Plan Reviews, Code Amendments, and Tentative Maps. 

On October 10th the Council approval the resolution with an added specific review period of six months and fee caps which limit collects not to exceed current amounts.

Currently, there are three types of Special Use Permits:
  • Major
  • Routine
  • Minor.

These three delineations are based on the amount of staff time typically devoted to the type of special use permit. For example, a major Special Use Permit for a new casino in the TC (Tourist Commercial) zoning district. A minor Special Use Permit might be an amendment to a previously approved Special Use Permit. A major requires a $10,000 deposit, a routine is $13,385 and a minor is $7,495. 

Sparks will eliminate the different types of Special Use Permits and simply charge applicants a fee of $120 per hour of staff time. They will require a deposit of $1250  for a Special Use Permit. Staff will be required to track time associated with the entitlement and charge toward the deposit. If the project requires more time than the deposit provided staff will bill the applicant for the remaining fees. 

This is the process used when reviewing Planned Development Handbooks. If less time and materials are required the remainder of the deposit will be refunded (as is with a handbook review process.)  Under no circumstance will the fees exceed the current fee schedule.

The Site Plan Review fee is very similar to that of the Special Use Permit. Currently there are two types of Site Plan Reviews: routine and minor. The fee associated with a routine Site Plan Review is $6,975 and a minor is $4,250. The purpose of a Site Plan Review is to determine whether a proposed use, building, structure addition or change to any building, structure or use will conform to the zoning ordinance, building and fire codes. 

The Site Plan Review insures development provides an acceptable project serving the interests of public health, safety and general welfare. The Site Plan Review process is an administrative process and does not include public hearings. The Council approved removal of the two types of Site Plan Reviews and will require a deposit of $1,250 to move through the process. Again, this $1,250 deposit would be time and material based and requires staff to track time to charge against the deposit. If City costs exceed the deposit amount the applicant would be billed for the remaining charges.

Lastly, the Council approved revising the fee for review of an expired Tentative Subdivision Map. The fee is currently $16,050. As described above with Special Use Permit and Site Plan Review, staff is proposing a fee for review of an expired Tentative Subdivision Map based on time and materials with a deposit of $1,250.

The Builders Association of Northern Nevada applaud the City of Sparks for the insight and leadership in promotion of the economic stability and job creation.

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