Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Home Builders Unfairly Targeted in Senate Health Care Bill

The Senate is scheduled to hold a series of votes over the next three days on health care reform. Given the time crunch, please call your Senator now!

The bill unfairly singles out the construction industry by only giving construction firms an exemption from the bill's employer mandates if a firm employs less than 5 people. Every other industry is granted an exemption if they have fewer than 50 employees.


Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to your Senators and urge them vote NO on H.R. 3590, and not unfairly punish the construction industry.

Tell Congress NO on HR 3590!

This narrow provision is an unprecedented assault on the construction industry and unjustly targets an industry trying to keep its doors open during the worst housing downturn since the Great Depression.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sometimes the holiday spirit shines through when you least expect it!

Yesterday, was our 2010 board planning retreat. In a boardroom filled with somber discussions about budgets and events and other issues distressing our industry, one generous board member volunteered to donate $500 to adopt a family for the holidays.

The Builders Association Charity has an ‘Adopt-A-Family’ program every year. The Executive Director of the charity was simply giving an overview of the program and mentioned that she had received a phone call the day before asking to add another family to the program. Without even being asked, a BANN board member eagerly volunteered to donate $500 to purchase Christmas gifts for that family. Two other members of the group volunteered donations as well.

At a time when our industry is struggling just to survive, the generous nature of BANN members helps to make the season brighter for members of our community in need.